With full site access you have the latest in the bottled water industry right at your finger tips. Whether you are researching water related topics or starting your own water company, BOTTLEDWATERWEB.COM is the site to get the insiders tips and be up-to-date with the latest in trends and technologies. Arthur von Wiesenberger (founder of the BottledWaterWeb, consultant to the bottled water industry and author of four books on bottled water) provides expert articles and detailed bottled water information. Get in the know on bottled water and stay there.
If you are a Bottler, Supplier or Trade Association, your company should be on the BottledWaterWeb because the BottledWaterWeb is the #1 bottled water site on the Internet. Yahoo!, Microsoft Network, Excite, Hot Bot, Webcrawler and Direct Hit all select the BottledWaterWeb as the first site when searching the subject "bottled water." Combined with an international marketing program using print, television and radio media, the BottledWaterWeb brings traffic to your company. We average over 9 million hits a year. Traffic means customers.